Trekking in the mountains of Armenia
Trekking vs. Hiking
Trekking, in contrast to the usual hike, lasts multiple days and requires a better physical, technical and psychological preparation. Talking about the differences between trekking and hiking, it should also be noted that during hikes, people usually walk on special hiking trails, while trekking is often done off hiking trails. This means that trekking happens in wilder conditions. That is why it is important to be ready for different kinds of challenges that may occur in these few days.
Hiking and trekking equipment and gear are also different. For a regular hike, you will need a small backpack, food and water for one day, one set of spare clothes and shoes. However, during trekking, you will need a backpack with a capacity of minimum 60 liters, enough food and water, several sets of clothes for different occasions, professional trekking shoes, necessary equipment.
The number of hours spent on the way during trekking is also different. You need to be ready to walk for about 7 hours every day.
Trekking preparation and tips
The purpose of trekking is to reach a certain point, no matter how long it takes. Therefore, you need to be prepared to be in the wild for several days. You need to know what to take with you, how to maintain a personal hygiene, how to relieve yourself, how to feel comfortable in nature and not cause any harm to the environment.
Physical training
To prepare yourself physically, you can start walking more often. Train your body to walk for a long time. If you have time and opportunity, go to work or any other place on foot. Instead of elevators and escalators choose going up and down the stairs. It will also be useful to walk in a terrain similar to the one on which the future trekking will take place. One day hikes and ascents can be a great option. You can start with relatively easy hikes and gradually progress to more difficult and then longer hikes.
Walk often with the backpack that you plan to take on the trekking trip. Let it be as heavy, or even a little bit heavier. Also walk in your trekking boots frequently. You need to wear and walk in your new boots very often so that they do not rub your foot during difficult trekking.
You can also walk and hike in a bad weather. You need to know that not every trekking day will be clear and warm. You can get caught in a pouring rain or under the scorching sun. Following all the safety measures, train your body to different weather conditions.
Technical preparation
It will be a lot easier if you make a check list. You need to study the information about the area you are going to, and find out the approximate weather forecast for the trekking days. Based on this information, you can make a list of necessary equipment. You can read more about what to take with you on a multi-day trekking here.
Going on a multi-day trekking, be sure to warn at least one person about where you will be, so that in case of an accident it would be easier to find you.
Trekking tips
Do your steps wisely. Trekking is not a competition, therefore you need to walk at a calm pace that is comfortable for the whole group. When you get to a flatter trail, do not accelerate your walking pace. It will be better to just extend your stride. And on inclines take smaller steps. Remember to take short breaks. This will help to restore strength and not get exhausted too early. The rest should last no more than 10 minutes, because the longer you do not move, the more difficult it will be to continue walking. Try to always walk in one line and not break it.
It is very convenient to use trekking poles during trekking. They will make it easier for you to walk on uneven terrain. Always remember about the protection of your eyes and skin. In any weather, at any height, wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen on exposed skin.
Another important thing while trekking is food. You need to take enough food and liquids with you. Try to pack lightweight food. Food should be rich in healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Forget about diets for a few days and provide your body with plenty of calories and sugar. In addition to ordinary water, drink a lot of tea, juices, add isotonics to the liquids. Make sure you stay hydrated when walking for a long time. Drinking alcohol is not advised. However, we understand that during these few days there may be a desire to drink something strong. Therefore, we advise you to limit yourself to a small amount of alcohol during a long stay at the camp.
Be sure to take your own cutlery with you. During a long stay in nature, it would be better to use spoons and forks and try not to touch food with your hands.
Hygiene and toilet
Another important point during trekking is personal hygiene. This is important for you and your health, as well as for the people around you. You need to respect each other and maintain your personal hygiene.
There are several useful tips to help you feel more comfortable in the wild. Take a towel or sponge with you, which you can soak in water and cleanse your skin of any accumulated dirt. To make it more effective, you can also add hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. You can use wet wipes, but they are very harmful to the environment, and we must avoid harming it.
If you want to wash yourself, it is better to do it during the daytime. Trekking in the mountains of Armenia will give you an opportunity to more easily resolve the issue of washing yourself. There are many mountain lakes, streams, reservoirs. You can collect the water, warm it over a fire or directly under the sun and wash yourself in a relatively private place. Do this in good, warm weather. If possible, use natural soap. After washing, make sure to dry yourself.
Take with you several sets of underwear, socks, t-shirts. Change socks and the inner layer of clothing often, and wash them when you have time.
To “relieve” yourself, you need to follow some rules. First of all, the group should choose a place where you all will go. This place needs to be located not far from the camp. Be sure to take a small shovel with you, dig a hole, and after you finish everything, leave toilet paper in the same hole. Bury it all and cover it with grass and leaves. This way, everything will recycle faster and you will not leave any unpleasant traces behind you.
Do not relieve yourself near streams, trails where people pass, or on slopes.
Never leave wet wipes on the ground. They do not decompose and are harmful to the environment.
In general, hiking has a positive effect on a person’s life. It teaches us to be more conscious. The benefits of hiking and trekking are undeniable. You spend a long time in nature, you are physically active, you walk a lot. All this has a good effect on your health and wellbeing. When we participate in hiking and trekking, we keep our body in good shape, we breath fresher and clearer air, we become more resilient, we gain more energy and recharge in order to return to the city with renewed vigour.
The useful skills that you learn while trekking will come in handy in your daily life. Also, trekking is a great option for team building. A few days together in an unusual and sometimes dangerous environment, will teach you to be a more patient, compromising, caring person who knows how to work in a team.
The benefits of trekking on a mental state of a person are also very important. The bustle of the city, stressful situations at work and in life in general, can negatively affect our mental health. We become more anxious, nervous, our head is full of many thoughts that do not allow us to relax. When you go on a multi-day trekking, you have an opportunity to redirect all your energy to something completely different, to stop being in control of everything for a few days and put your trust in a professional guide. You will focus on walking through difficult routes, on your physical condition, on planning meals, overnight stays and so on. And of course, you will be too busy discovering and admiring the beautiful scenery around.
All this will have a positive effect on your mental health. You will learn to be in harmony with yourself and with nature. Ultimately, this harmony and tranquillity will settle inside you and accompany you everywhere, both in nature and in noisy cities.
Trekking in the mountains of Armenia
As we have already noted, trekking in the mountains of Armenia is quite popular. There are more wild trails here than developed hiking trails. That is why Armenia is a very suitable country for trekking. Various landscapes, reliefs and climatic zones make it possible to organize trekking almost at any time of the year, except the winter period. The best time for trekking in Armenia is from July to September.
Trekking in the mountains of Armenia can be done in several directions:
Geghama Mountains – a perfect option for trekking in Armenia. In Geghama Mountains you will find many ancient petroglyphs and sculptures of vishaps (dragons). They are situated at an altitude of 2600-3200 m above sea level. Also, there are many water sources in the Geghama Mountains.
Vardenis mountain range and Mount Vardenis. The length of the Vardenis mountain range is 78 km. Mount Vardenis is an extrusion volcano. It is the highest peak of Vardenis mountain range with a height of 3552 m. Due to the lack of settlements, there are not many people here. Therefore, if you want to find yourself in the wildest conditions, then choose Vardenis mountain range.
Mount Aragats. The Northern peak of this mountain is the highest peak in Armenia (4090 m). Along the way, you will see mountain lakes, ancient dragon-stones (vishapakar), medieval fortress Amberd, big picturesque crater.
Another great option for trekking in the mountains of Armenia is Mount Khustup. The height of the mountain is 3201 m. The mountain is located in the Syunik region, which is famous for its incredible nature and many ancient historical sites. Mount Khustup is considered sacred. Since ancient times, this mountain has been a place of prayer and pilgrimage.
As you can see, trekking in the mountains of Armenia is a great option to spend a few days in the mountains, get acquainted with the incredible nature of this country, to challenge yourself and discover new sides of yourself. Choose one of our suggested trekking options in Armenia, and you will not regret it.
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