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Ararat Guided me to Aragats

“I dared to set my foot on the highest point in Armenia, and this is the most important thing”, says Margarita Hovhannisyan about the hiking trip to the Northern Summit of Mount Aragats.
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The Northern Summit of Aragats

Armenian Geographic organized a two-day hiking trip to the highest summit of Armenia, which is the Northern Summit of Aragats located at an altitude of 4090 m above sea level. Margarita was also with us and this was the most difficult ascent in her hiking life.

On the highest point of Armenia

Margarita says that this was her first overnight hiking trip, and she could not fall asleep at night because of the cold weather: “During the ascent, the weather was also bad. It was rather cold, windy and foggy for August. However, now I remember all the difficulties and inconveniences only when I describe the trip. The main thing was that I was able to reach one more peak, overcome my doubts and fears. I dared to set my foot on the highest point in Armenia, and this is the most important thing”.

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The Northern Summit of Aragats

The hiker has never been to any peak of Aragats before. Previously, she just walked along the slopes of Aragats and fell in love with that place. Margarita says that hiking to the Northern Summit of Aragats was symbolic for her as she considers it a temporary replacement of the ascent of Ararat. Her hiking lifestyle began during the preparation for the ascent of Mount Ararat.

Mountains make you take risks

“I was planning to climb Mount Ararat this summer, but the trip was canceled because of the pandemic. As I had lived the whole year preparing for that ascent, I had a need to realize my energy and abilities. Of course, until the last moment I had some doubts whether I could do it, or not, as I heard from many people that the Northern Aragats is technically more difficult than Ararat. But I did it, and now I am very satisfied and happy”, says Margarita.

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The Northern Summit of Aragats

She notes that during hiking trips, many funny and interesting things happen as so many positive people gather together. She remembers that during this trip, on the first day, one of the participants was picking mushrooms all the way. When we got to the camp, he cooked them and treated everyone. “I’m usually a little bit afraid to eat mushrooms even from supermarkets, but there I tried them with great pleasure. And it was the most delicious mushroom I have ever tasted. And that is what I love the most about hiking trips. In mountains you do things that you were sure you would never do. Mountains change us, they make us go beyond our standards, take a risk, be adventurous. All these things give colors to our lives, and you feel that you are living a fulfilling life.

On my way to Ararat

Margarita says that she started to participate in hikes with ArmGeo with the recommendation of her colleague, who climbed Ararat in 2019. “Before that, Ararat was a holy mountain for me, which should be loved only with poems, songs. I could long for it, miss it, but never approach it. When my colleague shared his feelings about his ascent, I replied: “Lucky you, you were on the top of Mount Ararat”. I was joking that I wanted to take a picture with him and get his autograph. This is how unattainable this mountain was for me. And people who have been there were my heroes. After my speech he asked me, “If you want to be there, why don’t you do that?”

From that moment I started the journey to my dream. And then the dream became a very realistic goal. I was so excited that I registered for the ascent before I started preparing for it. Unfortunately, this year I could not reach my goal, due to obvious reasons. But I will do it next year. They say if I was able to climb Aragats, I will overcome Ararat as well”.



She says that she began to participate in hikes in order to prepare for climbing Ararat, but now she is sure that hiking will remain a part of her life, even if she never climbs Ararat. At different stages of her life, Margarita had different attitudes towards mountains. “Now, when I started to climb mountains, I begin to understand their character, and on top of the mountains I do not look for some symbols, but freedom, fresh air and a feeling of infinity”.

Mountains are not for everyone

Margarita is hiking with us since February of this year: “Throughout the week, I check the ArmGeo page, look at upcoming hikes and join them on the weekend. This has become an integral part of my weekend planning. As I started to hike, I became more authentic and natural and got rid of unnecessary formalities. In the mountains you should be natural, and you gradually become that way. I have learned to overcome all the “but”-s and “what if”-s. I have learned to believe in myself and trust strangers. Hikes taught me to stop complaining, to act and think faster, to love every part of my country without unnecessary pathos”.

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Margarita Hovhannisyan

“One for all, all for one”

Margarita notes that the difficulties during the hike are mostly technical, and they are quickly forgotten. “I overcome these difficulties thanks to good people, and I always remember their help. If you slip, someone will reach out; if you are out of breath, the leader of the group will notice it and stop walking.

During the ascent of Aragats, there were many such difficulties. I forgot to take a warm hat, and one of the girls in the group gave me her hat for two days. When I was setting up the tent, I didn’t know where to start, and others had more experience. One of the guys came up and said, “Let me help you and you will be the first one to finish”. During the ascent one of the hikers lent his warm jacket to me. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. In short, in the mountains you learn to coexist in a group according to the “one for all, all for one” principle. If you fall behind, the whole group will stop and wait. At the same time, each participant knows that their every step can affect everyone else in the group”.

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Margarita Hovhannisyan

Margarita thinks that hiking and climbing the mountains is a mindset, and many people may not be able to understand why people spend their weekends in rocky and inaccessible mountains instead of hotels and other similar places.

“Our life is also like that: some people choose a smooth road, while others see the meaning of life in overcoming difficulties. Anyway, I’m happy that I chose the second option. As long as my physical abilities allow me, I’m going to soar in height”.

The copyright of this article is owned by armgeo.am. The content of the article may be cited or used on other websites only with an active link to the source.

Hiking trips in Armenia

Hike to Mount Dimats
Lakes of Aragats
Ascent to the Northern summit of Mt Aragats
Climbing Volcano Azhdahak
Yeranos Mountains
Climbing the Northern summit of Mount Aragats
One-Day Tour to Dimats & Sartsapat
Mount Artanish