Leopard in Armenia
Leopard in Armenia
There are only 500-600 Persian leopards in the world. For nearly two decades, no trace of a leopard has been observed in Armenia. All because of the poachers who had reached even the mountainous regions to find these cautious animals. Only in 2006 leopards were noticed in Armenia, and according to WWF Armenia, 7 leopards have been registered in three southern regions of Armenia (Ararat, Vayots Dzor and Syunik). According to literary sources, leopards used to live in the north of the country as well.
There were not many leopards in Armenia. In 2007 there were two males, but since males often like to change their habitat, they left. And until 2013 leopards were not seen in Armenia. Experts link the appearance of leopards in our country over the past few years with an increase in the number of bezoar goats in Armenia. Leopards come to Armenia crossing the borders of Turkey and Iran.
Etymology of the name
In ancient times leopard was considered a hybrid of a lion and a panther. This is reflected in the English name of the animal. Leopard comes from the Greek λέων (leōn, lion) and πάρδος (pardos, male panther). The current name (Panthere pardus) comes from the Greek πάνθηρ (pánthēr), which supposedly comes from words παν (pan, all) and θηρ (animal). However, it is more likely that the name came from the Indo-Iranian version of “pandabar”, which means “pale yellow, pale”.
Leopard is a very flexible animal with an elongated, muscular, slender body, the length of which can reach 126-183 cm, and the tail length – up to 94-116 cm. The weight of a mature male can reach 90 kg. Females are usually smaller in size than males. The back of a leopard is yellow or yellowish-red with grey or black spots. On the island of Java there are also leopards with completely black fur. Legs are relatively short and strong; paws are wide, with sharp claws, so they climb trees well. These animals have sharp eyesight, good hearing, but poorly developed sense of smell.
Leopard traces
Leopard leaves many traces, including pits and scratches. By the pits that leopard dug, we can even judge its viability and habitat. The pits are left mainly by mature males, less often by females, who also mark neighboring paths during the mating season. Unlike the traces, leopard pits remain longer on the ground. Leopards also leave scratches on the trees, but it’s not easy to find them. For this you need to have certain skills, be attentive and be familiar with the area. The width of the mature male’s footprint is 8-9.5 cm, and the cub’s footprint is 5.5-6.5 cm.
Persian leopard is found in some parts of Asia, particularly in Iran, Eastern Turkey, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan. It lives in dry mountain steppes, in dry forests, in subalpine and alpine meadows. Leopards are very careful when choosing their place of residence. The most comfortable habitat for them is juniper forests with cliffs, deep gorges and rocky slopes. They arrange their lair in tree hollows, cracks in the rocks, sometimes in the old porcupine dens. The territory of a mature male can reach 30.000 hectares, female – 10.000 hectares. They feed on rodents, hares, wild boars, roe deer, deer, as well as fish and carrion. Being strong and agile, the leopard attacks from an ambush.
The breeding season of leopards in Armenia falls on the winter months, from late December to early February. Cubs are born in April, usually two of them, sometimes four. They feed on milk for 3 months (sometimes 6-8 months). At 5 months cubs can prey on small animals. One year old cub is the same size as a mature female and can lead a life of its own. Leopard is a cautious animal that perfectly disguises itself. In captivity, they live for 21 years.
Leopard is one of the symbols of Armenia. In ancient sculptures and images, leopard symbolizes wisdom and power.
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