Mountain Climbing Tips for Beginners
Get ready for your first mountain climbing with the help of these tips.
Go with someone experienced
For your first mountain climbing experience it is better not to be alone. Joining a group with an experienced guide is a good option. It will be more safe, more fun, and you will learn a lot from people, who already have mountain climbing experience. Also, it is a great opportunity to meet many interesting people and learn how to be a part of a group.
Physical training
It is important to be physically prepared for a mountain climbing. You can do some cardio exercises to prepare your body for the difficulties it might face. Morning runs would be a good option of cardio exercises. Also, focus on exercises that will improve the strength of your legs and arms. It is nice to be physically prepared to keep up with the rest of the group. You can also prepare yourself by going on easier hikes first. Just like in any other field, you have to start slowly, gain experience and improve your skills with each try. When you will feel ready, join a group of mountain climbers and go for it.
The experienced guide will inform you about everything you need to know. But it also would be nice to do a small research by yourself. Learn more about the mountain that you are planning to climb, about its terrain. It can be snowy or sandy, full of rocks or dirt. Learn about the weather, how it changes in different altitudes. This will help you to be fully prepared for anything that you have to face.
Due to the changing relief and weather conditions in the mountains, it is important to know what to wear during your climb.
Sturdy hiking boots are the best option for a safe mountain climbing. In an uneven rocky parts of the mountain, hiking boots will give more stability and ankle support.
Because of an unstable weather it would be good to layer your clothes, so that you can take something off, when it’s hot, or add a new layer, if it gets colder. Clothes should be lightweight and dry quickly. It is also important to have a fleece jacket, extra t-shirt, warm hat, gloves, extra socks and a buff in your backpack. The jacket should be waterproof and windproof. Because even when the weather is warm, in the mountains it may change momentarily and you will be happy to find those things in your backpack.
Depending on the duration of your trip in mountains, you need to learn what to pack with you and how to do. Beginners often make a common mistake and take too much unnecessary stuff with them, which makes their backpack too heavy for a hike. For your first time, you will not need too much stuff in your backpack. Later, with each new experience you will learn how to pack everything you need, and make it light at the same time. It is important to have a raincoat, hiking gaiters, flashlight with extra batteries. Don’t forget to pack first aid kit! To protect yourself from UV rays, take sunglasses and sunscreen.
Being hydrated and energized is a very important part of mountain climbing. Have at least 2 liters of water with you. It is always better to have a little bit more water than you will need. Also you can take a small thermos with tea or warm water in it. It will be nice to have something hot to drink on a cold summit of the mountain.
As you have to spent a lot of energy you will need food high in carbohydrates and protein. The best option can be sandwiches, protein bars, dried fruits, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Respect the nature
Last and the most important of the mountain climbing tips is to respect the nature. Remember to always keep your trash with you. It would be nice to have a bag or some container, where you can collect all of your trash. We have to remember that we are only guests in the mountain that we are exploring. It means that we don’t have to leave any rubbish after we left. We all have to respect the nature, and not pollute it.
Mountain climbing is not an easy activity and it will require some time and experience to reach the highest summits. But once you’ve done it, you will find out that nothing compares to the feeling, when you climb to the very top of the mountain. These mountain climbing tips will be helpful for your first mountain climbing experience. This can be a great start of a new hobby, new friendships and new adventures.
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