Turn your dream into a goal: Climbing Ararat

When did you set a goal to climb Ararat?

Admiring the view of Mount Ararat, I would dream to ascend to its top, but it seemed impossible to me for some reasons. But thanks to the support of my friends, with whom I had gone on several short mountain hikes, step by step I made my dream come true. Finally my ascent to the top of Ararat happened.

What kind of obstacles did you face?

I used to have a very vague idea about what mountaineering was and probably it was the main obstacle. When I learned a lot with ArmGeo later, the main barrier between me and my goal remained a simple shortage of time. But I managed to overcome that barrier.

How did you imagine the ascent to Ararat?

I imagined the ascent to be a challenging but thrilling adventure. However, when our group reached an altitude of 4200 meters, I didn’t notice any significant difficulties. I began to think that nothing interesting would happen. How wrong I was! What happened next was worth a thousand adventures.

Turn your dream into a goal

Climbing Ararat / Mher Paruryan

How difficult was it in reality?

Figuratively speaking I may describe this ascent as a confrontation between our perceived capabilities and real ones. Of course, our real capabilities won.

What were your thoughts when on the peak of the mountain?

I wanted to shout to the world that I was on the top of Ararat, but suddenly I remembered that the world is too big.

What is one word to describe your emotions at that moment?

I felt as if I were All Might, a character of my favorite anime TV series.

What was your most memorable moment?

I will always remember my friends’ faces when on the top of the mountain. I wonder what my face looked like?

Turn your dream into a goal

Climbing Ararat / Mher Paruryan

Has climbing Mount Ararat changed your life?

Every second of the ascent to a height of 5165 meters had special meaning for me. Having returned home I looked again at the peak of Mount Ararat and realized how much my life had changed.

What has Ararat become to you?

As for every Armenian, to me Ararat is an integral part of my life.

Are you planning to climb Ararat again?

Yes, I am ready for it even tomorrow, just need to hear the call of the Mountain.

What would you advise to people who are dreaming of climbing Mount Ararat?

I recommend you to sign up for hiking trips in the mountains of Armenia first. Your dream will gradually become a goal, and the goal reality.


Mher Paruryan

Read more about Ararat ascent here.

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