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Mount Kaputkogh (Endzakisar)

Mount Kaputkogh

Mount Kaputkogh

Mount Kaputkogh or Endzakisar is located in Armenian Taurus mountain system, on the southern side of Lake Van. The height is 3074 meters. Mount Kaputkogh is covered with steppe and subalpine vegetation. It has reserves of iron and lead. From the top of the mountain you can see a beautiful panorama of Lake Van. There were 7 Armenian monasteries on the territory of Kaputkogh, including the Kaputkogha Surb Hakob monastery.

The historical name of the mountain

The historical name of the mountain was distorted with time, and became Endzakiars, which is a change in a word “Endzaki-kar”. The word “endzak” comes from the diminutive form of armenian word “indz”, which translates as a tiger cub. After that the mountain became known as Endzak.
On the slope of the mountain was located the Endzak village, which was named after one of the patriarchs of Haikazants. In honor of the same patriarch the mountain was called Endzaka-kar. The word “kar” (stone) was used in Armeanian language instead of the word “mountain”.

This mountain is included in our “Tsovu Bolor” (Around the Sea) program.

Photos by Sipan Grig and Tigran Varag

Armenian Highland

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