Jermuk Waterfall

Jermuk Waterfall

Jermuk Waterfall is a natural hydrogeological monument of the Republic of Armenia. It is in Vayots Dzor region, in the city of Jermuk, on the banks of the Jermuk river, which is the right tributary of the Arpa River. Jermuk Waterfall is formed from springs and falls into the Arpa River from a height of about 68 meters.

Jermuk Waterfall

Jermuk Waterfall

There is a beautiful but sad legend about the waterfall. Once upon a time, a fortress of   a prince stood on those steep cliffs. The prince had a beautiful daughter, whose hand many suitors asked for. But the beauty rejected them all, because her heart belonged to only one man – the son of a shepherd. Every night after midnight the girl threw a long rope, along which her lover was climbing towards her. Once the girl’s father discovered the rope and understood everything. And the prince cursed his daughter. He promised that if she dared to meet the son of a simple shepherd again, she would be doomed to turn into a mermaid and live in water.

Jermuk Waterfall

Jermuk Waterfall

Of course, the girl disobeyed the cruel order of her father and met her sweetheart again. Instead of the rope, which was burned, the beauty threw her braids of extraordinary length to her chosen one so that he could climb into her room. At that same moment, the prince’s curse came true, and his beautiful daughter turned into a mermaid, and her hair, flowing into the gorge, became a waterfall. That is why people call Jermuk waterfall Mermaid hair.

In this article, you can read about the waterfalls of Armenia

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