How to Pack a Backpack
It will take time and frequent trips to gain experience and learn how to pack your backpack properly. Therefore, do not get disappointed if after reading this article you do not immediately learn how to pack a backpack.
The diagram below applies to backpacks for multi-day trekking, since under heavy loads the proper weight distribution becomes extremely important. You can also be guided by this principle during one-day hikes.
- First, let’s imagine the principle of sorting a backpack by items:
- In the lower part of the backpack, we pack relatively light, but large-sized things – a sleeping bag, some items of spare clothing, an air pillow, etc.
- The heaviest gear should be close to the back, from the waist to the shoulders, so that the strong muscles of the back and waist take the bulk of the weight. Thanks to the proximity to the back, the center of gravity will not be disturbed. If you make the bottom of the backpack heavier, you will feel a lot of pressure down. And if you concentrate the gravity at the top, the backpack will swing, and the center of gravity will shift. In addition, if the backpack does not lie on your back, you will feel the weight of the backpack more strongly. As a rule, metal things, a tent, spare shoes, food for the camp are stacked close to the back. In the front part of the backpack, you need to stack things that are a bit lighter than the heaviest things – clothes, food, various tools, and appliances.
- At the top of the main section of the backpack, you need to put fragile items, and essentials: a flashlight, a power bank, a raincoat, a hat, glasses and so on. Those are the things that we use most often during hiking.
- We advise you to put the first-aid kit in the top pocket of your backpack, so that in case of an accident, nothing prevents you from quickly getting it from the backpack.
- The size of the backpack should depend on the length of the route and the number of days. Both an inappropriate small backpack and an oversized backpack will cause inconveniences.
- Do not pack your backpack at the last moment. It sounds quite logical, but usually people are lazy or simply do not have time to do this in advance. Make a list, put everything in front of you, and start collecting your backpack in the correct way. After putting each item in your backpack, make a note on the list.
Then, start to doubt that you forgot to put something, disassemble the entire backpack, make sure you have not actually forgotten anything, and start the whole process again. Repeat it at least three times.
- In addition to weight, follow the principle of necessity. Pack a tent, a sleeping bag, food, a gas stove and all other things for the camp, on the bottom of your backpack, put spare clothes there too. A light snack, sweets, a flashlight, gloves, a hat, a jacket and other similar things need to be put in the upper part, so that you can have a quick access to necessary things while walking.
- Distribute food by day; arrange it separately in small bags. It is more convenient and economical than taking a whole box of tea, coffee or oatmeal with you. Food can be wrapped in cling film. This way it will be protected from water and take up as little space as possible.
- Be sure to bring a protective cover for your backpack. Otherwise, you risk wetting the entire contents of the backpack in case of heavy rain. Modern backpacks are made of waterproof materials, but water can get inside anyway. Once wet, the backpack will become heavier and will quickly wear out.
- Try not to hang anything on your backpack. For some reason, some people like to hang most of their belongings on a backpack. Boots, appliances, tent, mattress. If the last two can still be understood, due to their large size, then hanging shoes or dishes on a backpack does not make sense. Firstly, the shoes may get wet and damaged, and the dishes will make noise and get on your nerves. All this will shift the center of gravity of the backpack and make you look very unprofessional.
- Use compression bags to keep things separate. Sort clothes according to their purpose – nightwear, for easy walking, spare, dirty. This will make it easier to navigate.
- The tent can also be placed inside the backpack, regardless of size. You can place the tent in a compression bag, or disassemble the entire tent, separate the outer tent and separately put them in small compression bags. And the arcs and pegs can be tied to the side ropes.
- Always tighten the ropes all the way, so that everything fits snugly and the contents of the backpack remain immovable. It is both convenient and safe.
Perhaps that’s all. After reading these tips on how to pack a backpack, try to pack your backpack correctly few times. Try different combinations until you figure out which one works best for your backpack. Then, try to quickly find the thing you need, not destroying everything inside. Repeat in your mind and try to memorize everything. This will help you in emergencies and save you a lot of time.
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