Sevan National Park

Hiking Trails in Sevan National Park

Lake Sevan occupies most of the territory of Sevan National Park. For Armenians Sevan is the most favorite place to organize summer vacations. It also attracts many tourists. But what else can Sevan offer us? The vast majority of visitors are lovers of passive rest, and only a few know what alternative activities this lake and the Sevan National Park can offer.

Sevan is a lake of tectonic origin. This means that there should be many volcanoes around it and more. And where there are mountains, there are hiking trails and adventures.

Climbing Mount Artanish

The volcanic mountain Artanish is located on the peninsula of the same name. Its height is 2461 m, and the relative height is only 560 m.

Artanish / Sevan national park

Mount Artanish

This means that climbing this mountain will not be too difficult, even in winter, if the weather is favorable. Artanish attracts attention by the fact that it is located at the intersection of the Greater and Lesser Sevan, and almost the whole of Sevan is visible from the top. At Armenian Geographic, we have a tradition of climbing Mount Aranish in winter, after which the bravest ones dive into winter icy Sevan.

Climbing Mount Armaghan

Armagan is an extinct volcano in the north-eastern part of the Geghama Mountains. The beautiful surroundings and volcanic origin of the mountain make it one of the attractions of Armenia.

According to legend, the most important pilgrimage site in the Geghama Mountains was Mount Armagan. On the day of Vardavar many people swam in the crater lake of the mountain. Animals did not refuse to swim either.

Sevan national park

Mount Armaghan

The absolute height of Armagan is 2829 m, relative – 600 m. Mount Armagan is a convenient direction not only for climbing, but also for jeeping, for mountain biking or motorbike riding, as well as for horse riding.

Cycling in Areguni Mountains

This trail leads us to the village of Drakhtik. The whole route is accompanied by picturesque views of Lake Sevan on one side, and dense forests of Dilijan National Park on the other side. It seems that the name of the end point itself indicates what awaits us at the end of the route (Drakhtik in Armenian is “little paradise”).

From Tsovagyugh to Lake Gosh

During this hike, you will feel how the cold mountain climate of Sevan gradually changes to the forest humid climate of Dilijan.

From Tsovagyugh to Gosh/ Sevan national park

From Tsovagyugh to Gosh

On the way, we will visit the abandoned village of Chermakavan, our beloved Gosh Lake and by the end of the day we will reach the village Gosh, where the monastery of the same name is located. This route can also be taken in the opposite direction – from the village Gosh to the village Tsovagyugh. In this case, in the late afternoon you will see the glare of sunset on Lake Sevan.

All these routes are attractive because they provide an opportunity to discover Sevan National Park, see Sevan from new unusual angles and discover our precious lake in a new way.

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Hiking in Armenia

Hike to Mount Dimats
Lakes of Aragats
Ascent to the Northern summit of Mt Aragats
Climbing Volcano Azhdahak
Yeranos Mountains