Hiking in Hot Weather

Hiking in Hot Weather

Hiking in hot weather may seem easier than hiking in cold weather and in some sense it is true. However, if you underestimate the dangers of hiking under the heating sun it may cause some unpleasant and painful consequences. Here are some points that will be useful to take into account while hiking in summer.
Hiking in hot weather

Hiking in hot weather

Time management

Time planning is one of the most important things in hiking culture. And this is even more important when you have a problem concerning weather. Depending on what kind of weather you hike you should manage your time accordingly. So, if you go hiking in hot weather, the main thing you need to think about is the sun. It will be better to start hiking in the early morning and continue your hike after 3 p.m. During your break you can find or make a shady place and enjoy your lunch.

Hiking in hot weather

Hiking in hot weather


Forgetting about drinking water is one of the common mistakes that hikers do. Yet, hydration is one of the most important things to consider when you are hiking. Especially, when you hike in hot weather it is essential to drink enough water as you are losing energy both by walking and being under the sun. With a lack of water, the body does not receive enough nutrients and gets tired quickly. This is what we call dehydration. Dry air in high altitude conditions contributes to dehydration.

Hiking in hot weather

Drinking water

When we inhale dry air it “absorbs” moisture from our body, and when we exhale the moisture leaves our body with the breath (If you are interested in dehydration, read our article about that topic). So, drink a lot of water before your hiking trip, and don’t forget about drinking it during the hike, too.

Sun protection

Of course, one of the dangers of hiking in hot weather is getting a sunburn. For protecting our skin first of all we should apply sunscreen on all the open parts of our body. Then, we need to cover our body as much as it is possible.

Hiking in hot weather

Hiking in hot weather

Long-sleeved shirts and pants made of breathable synthetic materials are ideal for maximum protection. We also should wear a hiking hat with broad brim to protect our face and avoid of getting sunstroke. There is no need to mention taking hiking sunglasses in order to protect our eyes from the strong rays of sunlight.

Hiking boots

Try to avoid wearing waterproof hiking boots during hiking in summer. These types of boots are good only when you hike in wet and cold weather as they also tend to keep the warmth. But if you wear this type of boots during summer they will cause your feet to sweat excessively. In those hot and humid conditions wear light and breathable boots.

Hiking in hot weather

Hiking in hot weather

Generally, hiking in hot weather has fewer difficulties than hiking in cold weather. As the days are longer during summer you can also enjoy the evening hikes and meet the sunsets in the mountains. Just take these several points into account and have a nice and safe hiking trip.

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