Hiking in Cold and Wet Weather

Hiking in Cold and Wet Weather

Hiking in cold weather can be a real challenge but you can do it successfully if you go hiking well prepared. Actually, it is a completely different experience and you can really enjoy the views and colors of the wilderness differently when it’s gloomy and rainy. There are several tips that may help you to have a nice hiking journey even if you do it when it’s raining and cold.
Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig

Check the forecast

No matter you hike in summer or in winter, checking the weather before the hike is essential. It may help you to get prepared for your trip and evaluate your abilities of hiking during a specific weather. Besides, there are directions that are not recommended to hike during rainy and stormy weather. So, you should change either the direction of your hike, or the date.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig


Choosing the right outfit is one of the most important things when you are hiking in cold weather. Your comfort in that weather mainly depends on your clothing. Don’t wear cotton clothes as cotton holds water, including your sweat, and chills you. So, it will be better to go with materials like merino wool, nylon or polyester clothing. You can also pack a lightweight fleece or soft-shell jacket.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig

Remember that over-dressing can lead to excessive perspiration, which can result in a lowering of body temperature. Accordingly, don’t wear too much and remove and add layers if needed. Take your rain cap with you even if your rain jacket has a hood. Rain caps usually have a broad brim, so it protects your face from the rain. In gloomy and rainy weather it is better to wear clothes with bright colors as they can help brighten your mood on a grey day. Besides, it’s easier to find your team members in the mist when all of you wear bright colors.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig


Taking a raincoat with you when you are hiking is almost a must. It is easier to stay dry than to dry your clothes in the wilderness. So, always take your raincoat with you even if the forecast shows that the weather is going to be great.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig

Hiking boots

To keep your body warm, it is important to keep your feet dry. So, your hiking boots or shoes should be waterproof during rainy weather. Mesh hiking boots are good only when the weather is not that rainy and cold, and mesh drains and dries quickly. When choosing your boots for hiking in cold weather remember also that rocks become slippery after the rain and the soles of your boots should be suitable for that.

Hiking in cold weather

Hiking in cold weather

Trekking poles

Never forget your trekking poles especially when the weather is rainy. Poles help us a lot while walking, but sometimes we can do even without them. However, when it rains, it is highly recommended to take your trekking poles as they help us walk easier on slippery rocks.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Sipan Grig

The Headlamp

The headlamp is one of the main tools that we need to take with us when we go hiking. But when the weather is gloomy and misty, headlamp is a must. Imagine, you are walking in the mist and you don’t see anything in front of you. So, in this case the headlamp will help you to move forward.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Aghasi Martirosyan

Breaks. Food and Water

Taking short breaks is very important when you hike during the rain. If the break takes longer you may start freezing. So, if you need to take a long break, you should wear extra layers to keep yourself warm. Many people forget about drinking water when the weather is cold. But it’s a big mistake that they do, as your body moves and loses energy, so it needs to be hydrated. Also, don’t forget about eating during the day. Try to eat high-energy snacks at regular intervals. Then, keep something with you in your sleeping bag as you may wake up in the night and feel cold and hungry.

Hiking in cold weather

Photo by Aghasi Martirosyan

Accordingly, don’t be afraid of cold and rainy weather. In fact, you can go hiking during the whole year. The only thing you need to do, is to get well prepared for your trip and take all the necessary tools to protect yourself.

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