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The Importance of Hikes for Kids

The Importance of Hikes for Kids

The Importance of Hikes for Kids

Modern technologies and the internet have completely changed activities and interests of today’s kids. With all their positive effects they have also a negative influence on kids’ concentration and energy. We should admit that now children rarely play on the streets, run, and communicate with other kids and with nature. Hikes for kids is a wonderful way of filling that gap. This multifunctional activity can change your kid’s mood, health, productivity and prepare a ground for a good future.

We can talk a lot about the advantages of hiking but now let’s see how they can affect on kids’ development.

Hikes for Kids in Armenia

It’s not a secret that spending time in nature has a positive impact not only on our physical, but also on mental health. And if you lead a happy and a healthy lifestyle from the childhood, you have a big chance to grow a successful and a creative human being. Hiking is an activity which can completely change your worldview and lifestyle even when you are an adult, let alone you start doing this activity from your childhood. Here are some qualities that hiking can teach your kids and change them.

Love towards the Nature

Kids who hike learn to be responsible and caring towards nature. Being in nature they witness how individual actions can harm the nature and those who like being in nature. When we say «leave no trace» kids may not get the meaning of that sentence. But they become more conscious of that important expression when they are in nature and see how nature dies because of all our actions.

Hikes for Kids in Armenia

Respect and Empathy

Depending on your life conditions it is difficult to learn to be respectful, but those kids who do hiking and spend a lot of time in nature, learn to be respectful naturally. During hiking trips kids also learn empathy while observing bird’s nests, baby animals and those kinds of things.

Being Friendly

There is an old saying that you know a person when you have a trip with him. So, taking part in hiking trips kids learn what it means to be a real good friend. They get very close to each other when they walk together for a long time. During the trips they learn to help each other to cross some parts of the roads or they share their food or water with each other.

Hikes for Kids in Armenia

Being hard-working

Parents never want their kids to be lazy but very often they don’t know how to make them be hard-working. During hiking trips kids walk a lot and at the end they have a feeling of satisfaction which helps them to realize that they didn’t walk in sane. They practically see that physical work can be more pleasant than sitting on a chair and not moving. After hiking trips children are filled with energy and enthusiasm which help them finish their daily tasks productively.

Being strong

Children are getting prepared for future difficulties after hiking. The kids who grow up out of comfort zone later become very hardy and brave adults. In roads they learn to walk in uncomfortable conditions and after all feel happy. Hiking trips are real life lessons for kids. They show them that there will always be difficult roads but it’s never impossible to overcome them and to reach to the highest points.

Hikes for Kids in Armenia

Hikes for kids in Armenia

Recently hikes for kids are becoming more and more popular in Armenia. This is talking about the fact that people are becoming more conscious of how they can benefit on the growth and development of their kids. Armenian Geographic is also organizing hiking trips for kids in different directions. Children from 8-15 can take part in these trips.

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Hiking tours in Armenia

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