What’s your profession? What do you do?
I am an economist by profession. Now I am a Customer Success Manager.
When and how did you decide to take part in a hiking trip for the first time? What did you feel being out of your comfort zone for the first time?
For a long time I wanted to participate in a hike, to overcome a difficult peak at least once, to get out of my comfort zone, but there was always something holding me back. I remember in the winter of 2016, ArmGeo was planning an overnight hike. I really wanted to join them, but one of my friends advised me to wait until the weather is warmer, as I didn’t have proper clothing and other necessary things. Finally, I participated in the first hike on April 24, 2017, during which we climbed Mount Mariam. After that I set myself a goal, to reach more heights.
Mount Mariam
Why do you climb mountains, what do they give you?
I always thought that in the mountains I would feel better, freer and detached from everyday problems. Turned out that I was right. After each hike I feel full of energy. During hikes I meet new and interesting people. Besides that, unfortunately, I do not know Armenia very well, and hikes give me an opportunity to get to know the different regions of Armenia, as well as the life of local people.
Do you have a favorite quote about mountains?
“Men may meet but mountains never.”
Do you have a desire to climb higher mountains?
Sure. After my second ascent, there was a desire to overcome new and more difficult peaks. I am sure that in the near future I will overcome the threshold of 5000 meters.
What was your most memorable hiking trip and what made it special?
The most memorable hike so far is the ascent of Ayrikar. On that day we joined three experienced hikers and climbed several peaks. It was my second hike and I could hardly keep up with them. After each passed meter, I wanted to lie down and rest.
What advice do you have for those who want to start to go hiking but don’t dare to do that?
In my opinion, these people can be divided into two groups. One group thinks that they will not be able to overcome difficulties, and the other group doesn’t hike because they do not have the appropriate equipment. To the first group I would say that they definitely can do it. If I did it, then you can do it too. If there will be any difficulties, we will be there to help you. And if you have comfortable shoes that you don’t mind wearing in such places, then you can take part in your first hike. After that you can decide if you need to buy new appropriate clothing for hikes or not.