The Gegharot Waterfall is located on the slopes of Aragats, on the homonymous tributary of Kasagh River, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level. It is located about 12 km far from the village Aragats of Aragatsotn region. In the winter the waterfall is freezing, and in the summer the cold waters are fall from about 17 meters. Gegharot Waterfall is very similar to Trchkan Waterfall and is included in the list of natural water monuments of Armenia.
Gegharot Waterfall

Gegharot Waterfall
The Gegharot Waterfall is located on the slopes of Aragats, on the homonymous tributary of Kasagh River, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level. It is located about 12 km far from the village Aragats of Aragatsotn region. In the winter the waterfall is freezing, and in the summer the cold waters are fall from about 17 meters. Gegharot Waterfall is very similar to Trchkan Waterfall and is included in the list of natural water monuments of Armenia.