Day of Armenian Mountains

October 9 – Day of Armenian Mountains

Every nation and country has its symbols, such as Egyptian pyramids in Egypt, the statue of Jesus in Brazil, Taj Mahal in India or stone statues on Easter Island. In Armenia among different symbols Big Masis (Ararat 5165m) has a special place. Ararat is a unique symbol for Armenians, because it’s not just a mountain, it’s a symbol of the future. At the beginning of the 20th century, when Eastern Armenia became independent and Western Armenia was included in the territory of Turkey, Masis (Ararat) became the symbol of repatriated homeland and its restitution to Armenians from all over the world.
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Climbing Ararat

Armenian Highland as our homeland

We’ve been living in our homeland, in Armenian Highland for thousands of years. Our geographical name already speaks about our lifestyle and our culture. Armenian Highland – the land of Armenians, surrounded by rocks, mountains and gorges. Unfortunately, we must note that nowaday the Republic of Armenia occupies just the north-eastern part of Armenian Highland, which is a very small part of it. Some people still think that we live in Caucasus, and that we are Caucasians, but this is a delusion, which was made by the Soviet Union. Then Turkey took advantage of it and changed the name of Armenian Highland to Eastern Anatolia. But that is another story.

Living near the sea without knowing how to swim

Speaking about Armenia and its mountains, I cannot ignore the fact, that living in the mountainous country without climbing mountains is the same as living near the sea without knowing how to swim. Mountaineering should be supported in Armeniaat the state level. As we live in a military situation, the mountaineering school can play a great strategic role. Unfortunately, as in other fields, here too, everything is based on individuals. They climb mountains, make photos, collect information, share it with others and all these on their own resources.

New wave in mountaineering

During the last few years mountaineering has become more popular in Armenia. The Internet has its role in that, as the photos which we share on social medias give people an opportunity to see everything with their own eyes. And after that they want to experience everything themselves. An alpinist has an opportunity to see Armenia from a bird’s-eye view and recognize its geography.

Mountain day

Since 2003, according to the decision of the UN General Assembly, December 11 is recognized as International Mountain Day.

And this is already the second year, that we celebrate October 9 as the Day of Armenian Alpinist or Day of Armenian Mountains. On this day in 1829 Khachatur Abovyan stepped upon the highest peak of Armenian Highland, the Holy Mount Ararat.

On March 30 of 1829, naturalist and geographer F. Parrot came to Armenia with his hiking group to explore Ararat. They went to Ejmiatsin on September 8, where Parrot met Abovyan. Abovyan joined the group as a translator and guide. They started from the village Akori. After 2 failures, on September 27 (on October 9 by the new calendar), at 15:15, Parrot, Abovyan and 4 other members of the group reached the summit of Ararat.

Congratulations on the Day of Armenian Mountains, congratulations to all those, whose hearts are in the highlands.

Tigran Shahbazyan


Bellow you can see photos of the mountains, made during our hiking tours.

Best Regards,

Armenian Geographic Project

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