"The Mountainous Island" / 10 years in a book
“The Mountainous Island” is a unique bilingual book, containing…

ArmGeo is 10 years old: “The Mountainous Island” book
A presentation of the “The Mountainous Island” book by…

Mountain guides’ training courses
As the popularity of mountain tourism increases annually, the…

The Everest of Irena Kharazova
We all have our own Everest in life: we set ourselves a goal…

Conclusion of the Year / We are 7 years old
On the 17th of December 2019, our annual event “Conclusion…

Presentation of the Book "Mountains of Armenia"
On the 1st of July 2019 the presentation of Tigran Varag’s…

Hamshen at Crossroads of Past and Present
On the 9th of April 2019 our documentary film watching “Hamshen…

Conclusion of the Year / We are 6 Years Old
On the 17th of December 2018 our annual event “Conclusion of…

International Mountain Day: The Year in Review
Since 2003, December 11th has been celebrated... This is a day…

"Messner" / Film Screening
At 26 of January 2018, Armenian Geographic held a film screening…