Sabalan / A Story of the Climb
It was the first time the group had been to Iran, which naturally helped to make the participants’ experience more vivid. Like any climb and journey, in the case of Sabalan, for some participants it was a search for new adventures, for others it was a goal, but for Hrach Ara-Ivanyan it was a long-awaited climb, which he was looking forward to. “The desire to climb Sabalan has been keeping me awake for a few years as this mountain is the second highest in the Armenian Highland. And after the climb in 2020 was postponed because of Covid, I became even more impatient.”
Iran: another world, another reality
Especially after the trip to Chaukhi, Iran was incomparable and extremely new and different, welcoming our group with its mighty mountains and many colors. And like real tourists who had the opportunity to discover a new world, the 16 participants of the group will remember the days they spent in Iran for many more years.
And Iran was indeed a different world with its rules, written and unwritten laws. But, as Hrach noted, “if we visit a neighboring friendly country more often, our perceptions will be more complete, and I think that there will be no question of adaptation, we just need to recognize, accept and respect this culture. And we got acquainted with the laws and social order before we left”.
Sabalan: beautiful and mighty
Speaking of the climbing of Mt. Sabalan itself, it should be said that for most of the participants it was not only to be a new victorious climb, but also to make the goals associated with Demavend more definite. But first things first. The participants of the climb to Sabalan were prepared by many years of hiking experience. However, the constant encounter of expectations and reality is also inevitable, and in camping life, reality always exceeds expectations. “In the morning, when we saw the mountain from the trail, we immediately felt what a beauty we were dealing with. And the hike showed us that it was not only beautiful, but also powerful.”
Our group of 16 participants went to camp (3700 m) on the first day and on the second day after acclimatization started the climb to 4811 m at 4:00 am.
New climbing, new cooperation
We must definitely say that the climb was successful and easier thanks to the members of the “Sipan Union”, whose many years of mountain experience helped the group a lot, certainly giving them more confidence. “The friends of the “Sipan Union” association are not only experienced climbers, but also cheerful people, especially the older ones, with a young spirit, ready for new peaks. All in all, the fact that you participate in a joint climb in a foreign country with local Armenian climbers was very pleasant.”
Although all the participants, including Hrach, were attracted to the sunset of Lake Urmia and the scent of the Tabriz Market roses, the moment of reaching Crater Lake was incomparable and irreplaceable to him. “The dawn of Sabalan was certainly breathtaking and dazzling, but nothing compares to the moment when we reached Crater Lake, walking in a row along the trail to the summit. The view from the peak of the highest lake in the Armenian Highland was breathtaking, and after a few minutes I felt the coldness of the water with my whole body.”
As we’ve already mentioned, we celebrated our 10th anniversary in 2022, making it a year filled with new heights and goals. And being on top of Mount Sabalan meant, above all, that we would be standing on top of Demavend the next time we visit Iran. “Sabalan was good pre-climbing preparation for Demavend, not only in terms of climbing, but also from crossing the border to “Sipan Union” climbing friends, with whom there was a desire and expectation to meet again.”
But climbing Sabalan was not only a story of climbing, reaching goals or new peaks, but also a lifestyle. “…And all this with like-minded, soulful people, climbing friends and, of course, accompanied by ArmGeo for 10 years…”, shared his impressions climber Hrach Ara-Ivanyan.
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