What’s your profession?
I am a graphic designer.
When and how did you decide to take part in a hiking trip for the first time? What did you feel being out of your comfort zone for the first time?
The interest in the petroglyphs and the desire to see them made me participate in Trasar, Ukhrasar hike for the first time. You know, I did not really feel out of my comfort zone, except that my hiking gear was incomplete. There was hailstorm, and I didn’t have a raincoat and comfortable hiking shoes, and these things are necessary for hikes. The nature and the mountains are my comfort zone, it can’t be otherwise.
Why do you climb mountains, what do they give you?
I climb mountains because I already can’t live without it. The mountains give me infinite energy to live, to change, and to become better. From the mountains you see the world. You are far from everything, far from everyday life, but the whole world is yours. The shots, the scenes, the colors, all the seasons are yours. The mountains teach you discipline. You start to love and cherish freedom.
Do you have a favorite quote about mountains?
“The Mountains are calling and I must go” John Muir
This quote perfectly describes my Sundays.
Do you have a desire to climb higher mountains?
Yes. I always have to surpass my previous highest ascent.
What was your most memorable hiking trip and what made it special?
I would have a hard time answering this question, if there was no hike to Mount Mets Kirs (2724 m). Mets Kirs is one of the highest summits of the Artsakh Mountain Range. For me, it is the most powerful mountain, which has the most impressive energy and strength. It was foggy at the top. Sometimes it cleared, and the unbelievably beautiful view was visible.
Ani Baghdasarian on top of Mets Kirs
What advice do you have for those who want to start to go hiking but don’t dare to do that?
Go on a hike right next Sunday. Start with the easiest route, and then you yourself will start to choose more and more difficult ones. Mountains will make you suffer, overcome difficulties, but also to recognize and see the most beautiful and the purest things.